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Průzkum: 53% Izraelců chce etnickou čistku – přesunutí Palestinců z Gazy do sousedních zemí


53% Of Israeli’s Favor Ethnic Cleansing

Průzkum: Totální odsun Palestinců viděno jako řešení konfliktu
IsraelNN, 19. 11. 2009 

Transfer of Arabs from the Palestinian Authority to actual Arab countries was the most popular solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, according to a poll this week by Israel National News. Of the more than 6,400 people surveyed, 53.2 said ‚Transfer of Palestinians to another Arab country‘ when asked, „What’s the best solution for the Arab-Israeli conflict?“

The „two-states for two peoples“ solution being pushed by the United States and the international community received 30.8 percent support, while the idea of giving Palestinians Jordanian citizenship was approved by 14.5 percent. Maintaining the status quo received 1.3 percent of the vote.

Poll: Transfer Tops Solutions to ArabIsraeli Problem – News

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